When Marketing Results Matter…
Get Your List Building and Marketing Engine Built To Convert
Full Automation Done For You!
Just 3 steps
1. Automate Your Communication
2. Create a Sales Selling Cyclone
3. Deliver and Nurture For More Sales

PROBLEM: You are Just Hoping You Get Prospects & Patients
or You are Frustrated Because What You are Doing isn’t
Working and it’s Costing You Time AND Money.
Of prospects never get followed up more than twice
The result
Lost income
Increase in competition
Increase in staff costs and overhead
Of prospects will go to your competition because you didn’t follow up enough
The result
High cost of conversion
Low return on marketing investment
Poor online positioning
With QuantumLeap Followup you have the power to communicate personally and often - all AUTOMATICALLY.
of your time is now spent on delivery and lead generation versus follow-up
The result
More Customers
More Income
Less Cost
= Higher ROI
"You can increase your income by 16x with an effective communication and conversion system that does the hard work for you."
of your customers want you to stay in touch and build a relationship
The result
More Referrals
More Loyalty
More Purchases
How We Catapult Your Success and Keep it Going

Step 1:
Leverage the engine that automatically educates, enlightens and nurtures a prospect until they are ready to buy
Step 2:
Move them into the sell cycle which takes multi-channels and promotes your various programs to accelerate that process so when they do contact you it’s about the buying process

Step 3:
Non Buyer – anyone who is not ready to to buy – loops back to #1 and continues to the next level of educate, enlighten and nurture cycle until ready
Buyer – anyone who purchases moves into the delivery and satisfaction cycle and when completed moves into the nurture and next purchase/upsell communication cycle.
Join These Successful Members…
“Once again I am reminded of how Tracy makes all the mechanics of getting your message clear and out into the world easy and straightforward.”
“Tracy’s hands on approach is like none other. She holds nothing back and works to get you results right now. Tracy is the type of coach I strive to be for my clients.”
“Without a doubt Tracy – I’ve learned more from you than I have in the last 5 years with every other coach, mentor or program I’ve invested in.THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!
“I just got off the training with Tracy Repchuk, and within 30 minutes I sold a $3000 program from the inspiration and lessons she taught on it. You ROCK Tracy!!”